Mini ERP

Mini ERP

BI Soft Tech Mini ERP

BI Soft Tech Mini ERP is a modular and cost-effective business management software solution that provides essential functionalities to streamline and automate core business processes, such as accounting, Purchase, sales, inventory management, VAT Compliant and General Ledger. Unlike a full ERP system, which may encompass a wide range of integrated modules, BI Soft Tech Mini ERP offers a more focused set of features tailored to the specific requirements and budget constraints of small to medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).

Key characteristics of BI Soft Tech Mini ERP include:

  1. Modularity: BI Soft Tech Mini ERP systems often consist of separate modules that can be customized and added as needed, allowing businesses to choose only the functionalities that are relevant to their operations.
  2. Simplicity: These systems are designed to be user-friendly and straightforward, with intuitive interfaces that require minimal training.
  3. Scalability: While initially designed for small businesses, BI Soft Tech Mini ERP solutions may offer scalability options to accommodate business growth.
  4. Affordability: BI Soft Tech Mini ERP is typically more cost-effective than full ERP solutions, making them accessible to smaller organizations with limited budgets.
  5. Focused Functionality: They prioritize core business functions like accounting, inventory management, and basic CRM, avoiding the complexity associated with additional modules like manufacturing or human resources.
  6. Quick Implementation: Due to their simplicity, BI Soft Tech Mini ERP systems often have faster implementation times compared to full-scale ERPs.

BI Soft Tech Mini ERP consists on the following Modules.

  1. Purchase Module
  2. Sales Modules
  3. Inventory Modules
  4. VAT Compliant Module
  5. General Ledger Module